NEWs + home

Our annual Members’ Show is coming up February 9-March 1, once again at 450 North Hull Street in Old Alabama Town.

All CURRENT members are invited to submit ONE piece- both 2D and 3D accepted. The submissions close JANUARY 17. New members welcome!!!!

To participate send an email to including a photo of the piece, title, dimensions, media, and price if available for purchase. Pieces may not exceed more than 30” on the longest side.

Art will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis, with the first 100 members being included. Any after that will be put on a waiting list, and included if there is room.

Members will be expected to volunteer at least one hour during the show, which will be open every Friday, Saturday and Sunday during the show.

Members will also be asked to sign up to bring a covered dish for the reception.
Members who cannot volunteer will be asked to participate in other ways.

The reception will be February 9 from 2-5pm, and is free and open to the public. In addition to food there will be be live music, drinks, and voting for the three favorite pieces, each of whom will receive a $100 cash prize.

If you aren’t a member, and wish to join, you can do so via the “become a member today!” icon in the left-hand window pane of this page or at the bottom of this page.

The 2024 show is a wrap! Gary chapman was our juror this year and he gave a great juror’s talk on Tuesday, October 22, 2024. If you want to listen to it click on the following linK:

click here to see all the work in the show including the award winners:

Grab your pad and drawing material and join us the Fourth Monday of every month for the Sketchbook club. All artists are welcome.

Montgomery Art Guild January 2024 Members Exhibit
at the Montgomery Art Center
450 North Hull Street, Montgomery, ALabama

The opening reception on Saturday, January 20th, was super! Lots of great art, lots of attendees, great discussions, and good food and drink! If you missed the reception come see the art! The hours are every Friday and Saturday, noon to 5 pm, now through February 17.

The Montgomery Art Center is located at 450 North Hull Street in downtown Montgomery.

Four People’s Choice Awards were handed out at the reception. See the art and artists below.

The regions bank exhibition is a wrap. It is now closed

You can still see the artwork that was in this exhibit. Click on the link below to see all the artwork and the award winners.

Montgomery Art Guild Regions Bank exhibit

The Montgomery Art Guild and Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts present:
Alabama A to Z: 45th Biennial Museum Exhibition

This exhibit has closed. A web gallery has been created on the show's Art Call site where you can see all the artwork and award winners from the exhibit. You can visit the site via this link:

Montgomery Art Guild members display work at the Montgomery Regional Airport

The Montgomery Art Guild, in collaboration with the art departments at Alabama State University and Auburn University Montgomery, King’s Canvas, the Prattauga Art Guild, and the Society of Arts and Crafts, have artwork on display in the rotunda and the gate areas at the Montgomery Regional Airport.

Stay tuned for more opportunities for Montgomery Art Guild members to exhibit work at the Montgomery Regional Airport!

Artwork by Montgomery Art Guild members on display at the Montgomery Regional Airport.

THE MONTGOMERY museum of fine arts “ART TALK” SERIES

TBD | TBD | 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
At the Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts, 1 Museum Drive, Montgomery in Studio 2

The Museum’s long-lasting program that has traditionally offered local artists constructive feedback and camaraderie, has evolved into a virtual program following health and safety guidelines, allowing this artful discussion to be enjoyed without boundaries of location! All artists are invited! This is a great place to show one piece of your artwork and get good constructive feedback from your peers!


video interviews with artists and Montgomery art guild art talk videos

The Montgomery Art Guild offers additional ways for artists and patrons to stay connected through video interviews, art talks, and more. To find the videos click here.

The Montgomery Art Guild organizes exhibits and programs throughout the year to engage the artist's desire to expand their skills or just have the opportunity to work alongside and talk with other artists. The best way to stay tuned to these MAG-sponsored or related events is to become a member and join our regular email updates about current art opportunities in the region.